Friday 11 November 2011

TASK 1b - Panopticism and the Olympics

The Olympic games could be seen as a panoptic phenomenon. It is a “disciplinary project," the participants of which constantly self regulate to meet an institutional standard. They are “docile bodies”, not only that but they are admired by the general public.
The architecture of the stadium is similar to that of the Panopticon. A demonstration of institutional discipline and the effects of adhering to those strict values replace the central tower.  There is communication barrier between the institution and the public. The games are televised in such a way that lends itself to manipulation and spin; the only other option is to pay for a ticket, which for the general public is not financially viable.
McDonalds and Lloyds TSB sponsor the games this year. Any outlet along the route of symbolic torch ceremony has to make sure they do not associate themselves with the games. "Even involuntary association with the Games by local businesses – who didn't actually screw over the whole country – will result in punishment."  [Marina Hyde - the guardian.] Buildings along the way are to be decorated with flower boxes displaying the colours of the Olympic games. Lloyds are making a significant amount of profit and extending their influence through the games, leading the public to associate them with high standards of discipline and rewards. After the general public bailed them out financially, it feels like a right kick in the teeth. The Olympics are serving as a symbolic exercise in power reinforcement by the institutions. The gaze is ever present from the popular media and CCTV, “a system of permanent registration” which is “constantly centralized.” The institutions are flexing their muscles.

The olympics are a specific idea, but these ideas can be used in relation to popular televised sport. 


The architectural design -

lights from around it backlighting audience. the power is centre, the promise of self satisfaction.
concept of "being the best" reaching for something. sponsored this year by mcdonalds, lloyds tsb etc

fake promise. what do the athletes get? the gaze of the institution.the corporate sponsors make the money.
the collisseum. literally, but how does it translate?

the upperclasses can look on it. an experiment. docile bodies responding to a institutional view of human perfection. or is it more primal?

binary division = win or lose

I just found this article and I'm beginning to think that the 2012 olympics are in many ways Panoptic.

The architecture of the stadium has some parallels of the panopticon.
But its more that the athletes are engaging with a solid set of standards defined partly by an institution but also by what I assume are primal instincts to be fit and healthy in order to survive although we dont need to be fit and healthy to live now. Does this make them docile bodies?

Its directly based on the design of the collisseum which was used for people to watch people less fortunate that themselves be eaten by Lions or demonstrate remarkable skill.
Then, the blood and torture would serve as warning of how the institution would punish you if you went out of line. I'm struggling to draw parallels now, the only thing I can think is that were watching a group of totally docile bodies demonstrating what they can do and aspiring to it.

The amount of protection for the torch and the event as a whole symbol of the instition is scary. The article talks about changing peoples flower boxes that are en route to fit the colour scheme and any business being told that they cannot claim to be associated with it in any way. I assume thats becuase its sponsored by MacDonalds and Lloyds TSB.

even involuntary association with the Games by local businesses – who didn't actually screw over the whole country – will result in punishment.  Marina Hyde - the guardian

Lloyds being given the rights is a kick in the nuts becuase it means they can make more money from the general public after "suffering" the crash and being bailed out by us.
The institution are flexing their muscles I think. Publicly televising the whole lot is interesting, prone to censorship and manipulation it serves as a demonstration of the metaphor of the dividing walls of the panopticon. The walls are a communication barrier serving to confuse and mislead rather than block.

This is my understanding, is it making sense?

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