Thursday 3 November 2011

The Gaze in the Media - 21/10/2011

Women carry the idea in their mind of being looked at, they cannot escape from being seen as objects.

Women watch themselves being looked at.

Hans Memling - Vanity

the painter displays the female form for us to see but places a mirror in the figures hand to invert that. the viewer is invited to look at the female form, while in a moment of cointemplation of her own image. Justifies the self regarding object.

A. Cabanel - Birth of Venus

female form, semi concious, eyes averted, looks like she's just woken up
she is not aware we are looking

Titian - Venus of Urbino

awareness of us looking, ladylike inviting slightly modest.

Manet - Olympia

A prostitute, displays the trappings of wealth, uninterested in flowers, the cat is a symbol of femeninity and independance.

Inges - Le Grand Odalisque
-guerilla girls
"less that 5% of the artists in the modern art sections of galleries are women, 85% of the nudes are female.

Manet - Bar at Folies Begeres
-a girl at the bar serving , looks right at us. impossible reflection  of the artist to the right. We are in his place.

Jeff Wall photographic recreation of the above.

The replay of this "women as objects" in popular imagery is an obsessive distancing of women. It is voyeurism.

Peeping Tom - 1960
A photographer takes an image and then kills the woman to own her image.

D&G 2007

a group of men ina gym, objectified as powerful, displayed actively. Freudian interpretation is obvious - men are dominant and women are submissive.

In a patriarchal society, the pleasure of looking is split as above.

Barbara Kruger - Your Gaze hits the side of my face. reclaimed images, stone sculpture, violent wording, turning away, stone skin

Sarah Lucas - Eating a banana.
the banana is a fallic object, she looks straight at us, agressively.

Amanda Knox was spoken about in the italien media as being a witch. a natural liar.
The Maleus Maleficarum - book about witches, witches power comes from carnal desire which in women is insatiable - according to the book. example of typical sexual repression

Susan Sontag - "to photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed"

Reality Tv like Big Brother is voyeuristic.consumption of a type of reality.

"looking is not indifferent" - Ways of seeing chapter 3

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