Thursday 26 January 2012

Lecture 20/1/2012

Modernism marked the migration of bodies towards the city centre to work

Frankfurt School - Benjamin, Kracauer, Adorno

Metropolis and Mental Life - Simmel

Resistance of the individiual to being swallowed up in the social (fedirological??? i cant read my notes..) mechanism.

Architect Louis Sullivan
- critic of chicago school
"form follows function"
Essay - "Office buildings artistically considered."
- Sky scrapers - representitive of upwardly mobile society.

Guaranty Building

Charles Scheeler - Photos of Big industry

Production Line - Fordism, sythesis of body and machine

Film - 'Modern Times' by Chaplin
background - stockmarket crash 1929
great depression
Margerat Bourke-White

Film - "Man with a movie camera" (1929)
Modern film / photography
-detatched observation, sythesis of man and machine, experiment in technology
the flaneur, urban observer

Baudelair (charles) walks the city to experience it, to find art, to capture the city.

Arcades Project - W. Benjamin, - Berlin Chronocle

Flaneuse - female, Janet Wolf
either a prostitute or a bag lady

Dennis Hopper - Automat

Arbus. NYC - woman at smoking counter

Venice "Dont Look Now" Nichola Roeg

The Detectice - wants to provide photo evidence of her own existance

Weegee (arthur felig) (oija, he owned a police radio... haha)
murder and police incidents

"Naked City" Film and photo collection.

Lorca Di Cocia - Heads - 2001
the experience of an individual in a croud.
interesting lighting machines
secret photos - detatchment

Walker Evans - secret photos

Post Modern City - disorientating, dislocating, easy to get lost so easy to submit to authority

lost and confusion - submit to instruction or freedom?

A place of a larger threat, constant fear of terrorism
Surveillane, more togetherness

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