Monday 13 December 2010

Lecture 6: Post Modernism

Post Modernism - partly defined by exhaustion, pluralism, pessimism, disillusionment with the idea of absolute knowledge.
The opposite of Modernism (experimentation, innovation, individuality, progress, purity, originality)
Later modernism ended up like a doctrine, began to seem limiting.

Modernism is an expression of modern life, technology, new materials, communication, while POSTmodernism responds to these things.

A sculptural example of post modernism, Jean Tinguely's "Homage to New York"

In 1917 Rudolph Pannwitz its quoted talking about nihilistc, amoral, postmodern men.

In 1964 Lester Fielder talks about post culture

In the 70's postmodern is established as a term.

By the 80's its a recogniseable style

By the 90's its the common theory in art schools, partly defined by artistic and stylistic eclecticism.

Architectural theorist Charles Jenkes said that Modernism died on the 15th of July 1972 at 3:32pm when the demolition of the Pruitt, St Louis, happened. It was a community housing block for the poor. "The Projects" this was the failure of modernist architecture.

Postmodernism is also partly defined by difference, questioning conventions, multiple aesthetics, celebrates the unimportant (whats deemed unimportant by modernism.)

Sheffield - Park Hill flats - Now a slum but a listed building an example of modernist architecture.

Examples of postmodern architecture are AT&T building by Phillip Johnson, The Guggenheim museum by Frank Gehry, Neue Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart Germany, Future Systems Selfridges Birmingham

Jean Francois Lyotard 'The Postmodern Condition'
- disbelief in metanarratives
Such as modernism and Marxism
- the result is a crisis in confidence

We form our own mini narratives that compliment and compete with each other.
Eg. Sub Cultures

Robert Venturi - "Learning from Las Vegas" - book
New York - ultimate modern city
Las Vegas - ultimate post modern city

In "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" Phillip K Dick creates a post modern dystopian society. Especially noticeable in the film Blade Runner

Also "Akira" creates the same effect.

Warhols Factory was a total attack on the role of the artist. all mistakes left in, the work was not made by him.

the "oxidation painting" literal pisstake of jackson pollocks paintings, by pissing on copper primed canvas.

A book = "post modernism" by Fredrick Jameson

Post modern graphic design = Memphis Group

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