Wednesday 3 November 2010

Lecture 1: Modernism Notes



There was Classical (high brow) art. Modern art was classed as low brow.

Until the 1800's when the Pre-Raphealites (founded in 1848) who were a group of English poets, painters and critics began to inspire positive connotations of the the word "modern." They rejected the teachings of the classic art schools and were considered the first "avante guard" art movement.

Thanks wikipedia.

In the present day the word "modern" is still considered positive. For example Tony Blairs modern labour party. Bad Example. Modern technology would be a better example.


Modernity is social cultural experience born out of living in the modern world.
The modern world is considered to have started in about 1750 and to have lasted 200 years, which would mean we are now living in a "post modern" world. Paris in 1900 was considered the Nexus of the modern world with its wide spread urbanisation and population moving inward towards the urban centre. Examples of modernity in Paris include accessible travel, widespread use of electricity and leisure facilities. Shopping could now be classed as a leisure activity as it was trnedy to be seen out and about in the city spending money, although this could only be said for the bourgeoisie.

Another feature of modernity was "The Enlightenment," when science took over from spiritualism as the popular way of thinking.

Yet another example is world time. Modern technology and internationalisation meant there was a way to sync up world time.

The concept of a city could be seen as the personification of modernity.

The subject of art becomes the experience of modernity.

For example the painting "Paris on a rainy day" by Gustave Caillebotte.
Urban Alienisation becomes a common concept in modern art. Psychology becomes a prominent subject.

Example: Experiment on attentiveness to sound location 1893

The civic planner Georges-Eugene Hausmann rebuilt paris under Napoleon Bonapartes instruction and replaces winding narrow streets with large boulevardes. This reduced crime by making Paris easier to police. The lower classes retreated to the outskirts of Paris.

People start to view the world through modern technology instead of interacting directly with the world. Devices like the Kaiserpanorama are invented.

The Lumiere Brothers create the first films.

Modernism becomes a response to the condition of modernity.


Forms starts to be dictated by purpose, for example the Flatiron building in Manhatten, New York. The Barcelona Pavillion.

Photography as a modern technology forces painters to do something new. Impressionism begins. On the other hand modern photographers such as Paul Citroen do modern things with photography such as his piece "Metropolis."

Modernism in designs dictates:

Anti-historicism. Dont look to the past for inspiration.
Truth to materials. A material shouldnt be made to look like something else or embellished.
Form follows function.
Internationalism. Modern design should be accessible to anybody, anywhere, losing any cultural differences.
Modern tech should be embraced and used.

The BAUHAUS movement followed these rules.
Although the Bauhaus movement was supposed to allow for easy mass production and easy access to ergonomic products it somehow becomes elitist.

On the extreme end of this movement is Adolf Loos who said "Ornament is crime."

On "The International Style."

The London Underground Map by Harry Beck is a perfect example of the international style. Universally useable.


Modern. Used to connote improvement.

Modernity. Social cultural experience born out of the modern world.

Modernism. A range of ideas and styles that sprang from modernity.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent notes that reflect an excellent knowledge of both modernity and the aims and characteristics of Modernist Art & Design
