Thursday 23 February 2012

Feminism - 10/02/12

Feminism - the personal is political

Barbara Kruger - "Your body is the battle ground"

Social reaction through art practice / artistic movement / poltical personal movement

1918 - Women over 30 allowed to vote

1928 - Women got the vote

1920 - First woman at University (Oxford)

Gender as Social Construction

Binary Relation - what is femeninity in opposition to masculinity? Othering

Art History and Theory
- Griselda Pollock
Art system and history has institutionalised sexism, just as society at large has.

'His'-tory - a masculine construct

ESSAY - Linda Nochlin - Why have there been no great women artists?

Yoko Ono - Cut Piece, using her own body to comment

Femenisms and Methodologies

- Judy Chicago 1922 "woman as artist" ESSAY